What If Everything You Thought You Knew About Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) Was Wrong?
HINT: BDD is not about test automation.
It's much more powerful than that.
BDD is a collaborative approach to discovering and understanding requirements that helps team deliver better features and testers deliver more powerful automation.
It's actually pretty revolutionary.
Teams that practice BDD well routinely see defects drop by 80-90%, delivering higher quality features with fewer defects AND getting faster, easier to maintain automated tests into the bargain.
Problem is, most teams (and many training courses) teach BDD incorrectly.
They teach BDD as a test automation practice. If you've seen terms like "Test Automation with Selenium and Cucumber" or "BDD Tests".
But using BDD tools for test automation, without properly understanding the BDD process, leads to bad things happening. Think flaky test scripts that are hard to write, hard to maintain, and that don't even give your business folk the coverage or confidence they need!
So don't be like most teams! Watch this video to see how to avoid the traps, and learn how to make BDD work for you!